Reverse Engineering

iQservices, s.r.o.

Digitisation of an existing object

Reverse engineering is an ideal solution for the process of digitizing an existing object, component, or product, even without the availability of technical documentation, drawings, or a computer model. For this purpose, special scanning arms are used to create a 3D drawing of the object with an accuracy of tenths of a millimetre.

It can be used in the creation of drawings of spare parts whose relevant technical documentation is either destroyed, incomplete or has never been created. Also when creating a shape complex hand-formed model from modelling compound or other prototype parts. The data obtained in this way can be used in the production of small parts on a 3D printer.

The use of reverse engineering

Creation of drawing documentation of prototype components

Shortening the product development and innovation cycle

Modernisation of the production process

Design of new components adapted to existing components

Updating of drawing documentation of moulds

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