iQservices has supported regional projects again

iQservices has supported regional projects again

When we started a pilot project for preservation of cultural heritage of the Lietava castle last year, we also decided to support the projects that we know will be benefit for general public this year. These are voluntary associations that work on restoration of cultural monuments respectively ensure the development of culture in our region.


The synagogue of Žilina

The project “New Synagogue” is already in the implementation phase. The original synagogue will change its role from cinema and lecture hall of the University of Žilina to an exhibition area on European scale.

We entered the ongoing project when demolition work has already started and large part of the original building has already been exposed. Indoors and outdoors of synagogue were focused by the latest color 3D scanner Faro Focus3D to create the 3D model of the existing state. Architects this way received real data, floor plans, sections and views with which they may more efficiently and more accurately project without the need for additional measurements.

Žilinská synagóga



Žilinská synagóga



Žilinská synagóga



Žilinská synagóga



The Lietava castle

The Lietava castle was a pilot project and an example for contractors as well as experts in restoration of cultural monuments last year. We presented how the laser scanner works and how it would be possible to use acquired data at conservation work. As measured results were evaluated positively, we identified areas that will be targeted for this year. Collected data will be used in the analysis of the existing state and we will determine the sequence of rehabilitation work on the basis.

Lietavský hrad



“Cultural node” station Žilina-Zárečie

Construction S2 which is a space for dance and theater was built from 3000 beer crates. The whole area was focused by laser scanner and we will create a virtual 3D model of the existing state. The resulting model with precise size will assist in the deployment of scenography and lighting.

Kultúrny uzol - Stanica Žilina-Zárečie





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