Digital technologies as a support for strategic decisions
Modernize, expand, optimize and subsequently introduce new technologies cannot be longer done with paper and pencil in hand and the team of experts without sufficiently accurate input information. The space in which we project technologies has important role in the design of logistics and production systems. We know from experience that for efficient and exact decisions we cannot use 2D layouts do not correspond to reality in most cases in many aspects or a mock-up of machinery and equipment. How to get the data which will be identical with reality?
One of the options how to get reality into the computer is laser scanning technology by which we can very accurately capture existing state of projected space. Information prepared in this way are essential for flawless deployment of technology, basis for design teams who project piping and electrical wiring, exhaustion and air conditioning as well as for static calculations of steel structures.
The use of laser scanning technology significantly reduces the risk of errors in the design due to the correct factual information and promotes right decisions.
1st step Laser scanning
Laser scanning is an advanced technology whereby we can fast and accurately target existing state of the environment around us. In connection with industrial production it presents a very effective tool for us in the form of digitization of factory buildings and equipment. A principle of laser measurement is the special laser scanner which is able to target the space around them with millimeter accuracy. In a short time we can focus several million points. Measuring output is scan called point cloud which is actually 3D photo of focused area or object where each point also contains spatial information in the form of XYZ coordinates. The focusing of the production hall should be made from various multiple positions in order to achieve the focusing of all necessary objects. Individual scans are then registered to a complex interconnected model. We can imagine the entire model as puzzle where different pieces of the puzzle are scans. If we put them together they will create an image, in this case 3D model of the production hall. Collected information includes data about buildings, steel structures, piping and electrical wiring, machinery and equipment. This model is the basis for further processing and for modeling, i.e. the change of point clouds into object-oriented CAD model.
The benefits of laser scanning:
- Minimizing the data collection up to 98% over traditional methods of measuring
- High efficiency measurements (120,000 measurements per second) at minimum inaccuracy
- High precision measurements (2 mm)
- Used type of laser is eye safe
- Measuring progress in full operation and without interrupting of production
- Increased safety for work
2nd step Modeling
CAD modeling is the process in which our specialists transform focused data from laser scanners; they transform point clouds into CAD program. The logical structure of the 3D model is developed by this process, which contains objects of buildings, structures, machinery, equipment, pipe or oversized objects. The result is a realistic three-dimensional CAD model which is the basis for reconstruction work in production planning and scheduling, as well as in the simulation of production processes.
Creation of object libraries is one of the outputs of CAD modeling. Virtual model can be divided into fixed objects such as buildings, structures, pipes, which create so called restrictions or barriers to planning. Other objects that are mobile are announced to the libraries. Object libraries contain elements such as machinery, equipment, technology pallets or products. The transformed data from point clouds to CAD are processed according to customer requirements, who will work with real drawings in his software package.
3rd step Designing production systems considering real restrictions
Unnecessary costs to eliminate defects of design arise while working with inaccurate and inadequate information and wrong 2D layouts when planning or designing production and logistics systems. Thanks to the concept of digitizing the customer gets a unique tool that eliminates these drawbacks and provides a range of financial, time and other savings.
In the process of projecting or strategic decisions (location of production, how the production system will look like and a complex of enterprise in the future) it is very important to consider several steps:
- Strategic business goals – how we want to grow, what new technologies we will use in the future, where are our strengths.
- What current capacity do we have, what are our bottlenecks and how will we manage them.
- Then unite all requirements for machinery technologies with company technologies and with supplier of machinery (if we talk about new technologies) especially in terms of time cycles and required production volumes, also in terms of available space, unification of the size of the future machinery and their arrangement – input, output, size of the required area, robotized workplaces…
- After the implementation of the previous steps we can generate a number of possible options as how production technologies will be located, or how the area of company will look (2D, 3D).
- Detailed scheme and animation of the proposed concepts.
4th step Visualization of final solution
The visualization of workstations was the resulting output except the drawing documentation. The actual scanning has proceeded to the overall visualization process, where needed data were collected to scan the building of the hall and partly of outdoor place. We scanned mainly the floor, walls, windows, doors, available engineering networks, steel structures and overhead cranes. The second step was carried out of modeling technology and retrieval systems.
3D model is a very useful tool in the decision making process of important designers of technology and using such a model we can forward eliminate possible collisions before the actual implementation of the device, saving both time and money.
Benefits and elimination of risks
Unnecessary costs to eliminate defects of design arise while working with inaccurate and inadequate information and wrong 2D layouts when planning or designing production and logistics systems. Thanks to the concept of digitizing the customer gets a unique tool that eliminates these drawbacks and provides a range of financial, time and other savings.
- Reduce costs for field work by up to 98%.
- Optimizing the planning by removing of long data collection.
- Improve quality thanks to minimum amount of changes in planning and documentation.
- Increase safety – up to 90% less work at heights.
- Effective reconstruction – up to 98% less unforeseen pipe welds and structures.
- Improvement of maintenance, operations and design through easy access to complete and actual information.
- Reduce the time required for planning and design of up to 20% thanks to the elimination of inaccuracies.
- Measurement in full operation or with minimal limitation of the operation in emergencies.
- Assisting in solving problems within teams, understanding the processes and “lay-out” problems, better and faster
- decisions about various problems.
- Safety test before installing new equipment.
- Data needed for renovation and construction works – generate 2D drawings, animations, sections etc.
- Digital Factory “in a computer” – the opportunity to explore and analyze processes on computer models, quick and effective construction of simulation models, 3D simulations in virtual reality.
- Supportive tool in different fields of industrial engineering – ergonomics, design of production systems, design of logistics systems, analysis of work measurements, support of the development of new products and their marketing etc.
Today at a time of digitizing everywhere, we have to realize that accuracy, availability and speed of the complete information can be not only saving the future for us but ultimately can become our competitive advantage. If the company work faster, for example at the development of new products with lower cost, it may be more effective for us than if we are able to produce less expensive compared to the competition.
Zdroj | iQservices/IPA Slovakia, článok uverejnený v časopise Průmyslové inženýrství 3/2011