With a wealth of experience, iQservices delivers digital concepts to the following customers worldwide. Our experienced engineering teams have the ability to communicate with our customers in English, German and Slovak.
Industry - automotive, petrochemical, pharmaceutical
- Airbus
- Daimler
- Dow Chemical
- Durr
- Evonik
- E-on
- Ford
- General Motors
- Mondi SCP
- US Steel Košice
- GTI Suez
- Henkel
- Holcim
- Hormann
- Jaguar
- Liebherr
- Miele
- Nissan
- Opel
- Polysius
- Procter & Gamble
- Siemens
- Shell
- Toyota
- ThyssenKrupp
- Uhde
- Urenco
- Volkswagen & Audi
- Jaguar Nitra

3D laser scanning
enables fast, non-contact measurement of objects with high precision.
iQservices, s.r.o.
Cultural monuments, architecture, pasportization
Because we are constantly driven to deliver high quality services in a fast and efficient manner we are easily recognised in the industry.
- Martin Museum
- Slovak Motherland
- Andrej Kmet’s Museum
- Gymnasium Revúca
- Beckov Castle
- Castle Zniev
- Mint in Kremnica
- Šomoska Castle
- Manor house Uhrovec
- Lietava Castle
- Hričov Castle
- Blatnica Castle
- Štefánik’s Mound
- Castle Fiľakovo
- Topoľčianky Manor House
- Lednica Castle
- Považský Castle
- Havránok Castle
- Strečno Castle
- Orava Castle
- Otter
- Likava Castle
- Gothic Church Stránske
- Trenčín Castle
- Rotunda of St. George
- Žilina Town Hall
- Žilina Square
- Church of St. Stephen
- Church of Bitarová
- Roman inscription Trenčín
- Celtic Val Bratislava
- Mykonos